Your asphalt is one of the first things that anyone sees when approaching your property. It is the "welcome mat" to your facility. In many cases encompassing 60% or more of the surface leading to your business, it tends to act as a direct reflection of your business to all who drive by or visit your complex. What is your asphalt screaming to your potential customers and the rest of the community?
The outer appearance of your facility is the "welcome mat" to your business. It is the first thing clients see and forms the first impression and overall opinion of your business in their mind. Fresh paint, modern landscaping, and a well-manicured lawn all play a large factor in the overall property image. "Unsealed pavements will require repairs starting with the second year and could require a one inch overlay as often as every seven years. Cost savings will be a substantial 65% if the pavement is maintained regularly. Estimated savings for a 10,000 square yard asphalt pavement are $127,000 over 15 years."
"The price of asphalt paving and seal coating are crude oil dependent. Even though the price of gasoline has fallen in 09 the price of asphalt and seal coating have not. The reason is that asphalt used to be comprised of the products of diesel fuel. Asphalt was made from the leftovers. New laws in January 08 have eliminated the by products from diesel fuel during the refining process. Therefore causing a 10x price increase in raw asphalt oil during the past 3 years." It is important to understand that the price of the material has substantially increased in order to make consumers aware of "too good to be true pricing". Get multiple quotes before hiring a contractor. Make sure to call referrals and drive by a residence or property that has had worked completed not just recently but in the past few years to view how workmanship and product has endured. The key to asphalt or concrete longevity lies in maintaining the surface of your driveway or parking lot properly. Please read through our website to get some helpful tips, and make sure to contact us for an expert recommendation for your specific situation.
National Pavement Contractors Association